Friday, February 5, 2010

At Home

Hi Everyone!

After a long break from posting, I'm finally back at home in Southern California! Before I continue, I want to thank you for supporting me with your prayers as I reached out to the people of Papua New Guinea and continuing to look at my blog.

For those of you who are wondering what I did in Papua New Guinea, I, with a team of 8, discipled the natives in the life of Christ in the town of Kerema, Gulf province. To do this, my team and I put on numerous programs that included speaking, worshiping, games, and fellowship. Moreover, we spent many hours alongside the villagers, helping them with their daily work (i.e. making sago - a stable food made from the trunk of the sago palm tree). It was an amazing outreach where our team saw many people come to know Christ and/or further their relationship with Him. Because of your prayer and support, we have made a dramatic impact of the life of many in Papua New Guinea.

Short Story: In a village called Meii, we discipled the natives there for about a week. Throughout this week, we spoke, played games, sang with, and helped serve the people of Meii. At the end of the week, we were told that our visit (the first missionaries in a long while) had forever affected the way of their people. Ultimately, 31 people gave their lives to Christ and we were able to baptize every one of them.

Since my outreach, much has changed. I have finished my Discipleship Training School with YWAM and am now home. What am I doing now?

After arriving in the first week of December, I have followed my call to help assist and begin an internship with Newport Church - my church in Newport Beach ( if you're keen to know more about it). All at the same time, I have started back with my final year at Vanguard University and started working again. All to say, I am very busy! But it is all good; not in vain. I am confident that I am where God wants me to be.

As I look at this transitional stage of my life from an external perspective, I realize that in the midst of change, it is critical to focus deliberately on what God has for me. And this provoked a thought: There are many people who are currently going through change; for some, a tough change. For those who can relate, my hope is that you focus expectantly on God's will for your life.

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord you labor is not in vain."
- 1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV

God will provide. He always does.


  1. Welcome home and congratulations for what was clearly an inspiring journey for you and in the lives of those you "touched" as you joined them ("Throughout this week, we spoke, played games, sang with, and helped serve the people of Meii"), baptized them or learned to make Sago with the locals.

    And you are now an Uncle to Haven Claire!!!

    Thanks for telling of your work in PNG and also of your new plans. I had a look at Newport Church site that is excellant:

    Good luck, and HE is surely pleased with how you are reaching out in HIS name!

    He is blessing you and yours
    Jan-Michael (Canada)

  2. Hi Anthony:
    Glad to have you back and that you will be doing a Blog. And also for updating us on what you have been doing . Looking forward to following you as I do Donna's Blog. God Bless.

  3. Good to see you back, Anthony. - Later I will go to the church site. My prayers are with you that your dreams in this church will come true. - It seems you had some good projects in PNG. Blessings, Swiss Rose

  4. Anthony,
    It is so great to have you home and living with us again as you complete your last year of college. You have an incredible faith in God and an amazing love for all of His people!
    God is blessing you. With love, Mom


    I thought you would like the video
    "More Than Gold" that is YWAM related effort at the Olympics

    Your friend in Christ
    Jan-Michael (Canada)

  6. Hope you are winding down on school year well!

    If possible could you add your Dad's episode Everyday Life to your page of links?
    I believe the episode has so many Faith and marriage/relationship lessons, it would be good on curriculum of Theology colleges and business colleges.

    In the meantime the more link sites the better, so your considering the appropriateness would be great.

    HIS blessings

    Ps the link would be as following:

  7. I see your Dad, Robert A Schuller has just recently been interviewed, to be aired in full Nov 1 on the highly acclaimed program 100 Huntley Street and they have put a sneek 4 minute preview on YouTube at the following link:

    After the full interview is aired November 1 here in Toronto, across Canada and parts of USA, it will be available at the on-line site of 100 Huntley Street

    100 Huntley Street in Toronto has grown to be on TV throughout the day and evening with positive Christian news, music, interviews and prayer time. And it airs on several stations daily.

    The 4 minute preview is excellant and I came across it as I was searching Huntley Street for some other reasons but wow, what a terrific preview and great words by your Dad and friend (Robert A) to so many of us around the world!

    He is blesing all, always
    Jan-Michael (Toronto)
